Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Mommy Who Makes Money

Pink City Tunic

She says she never had the 'skill set' to get into network marketing. But Natalie Verstraelen found a family in Nutronix that nurtured her from the beginning- never "vanishing" after she signed up. What used to be an overshelving industry is now one where Natalie feels at home. She also works from home. Hear what she likes best about Nutronix.

"What really sold me on this company was the fact that so many were willing to help. All I had to do was follow the leaders to achieve the same results. This 'pay it forward' mentality was not just the attitude of the distributor base, but also that of the ownership.

"I didn't have the skill set of a top networker, or even that of a mediocre networker-ha! The automatic builder system appealed to me because I franckly set it on autopilot. People came to me, joined and upgraded before I even spoke to them. About 90 percent- or more- of people do not want to go to their friends and family with their business opportunity. I wouldn't be here without Automatic builder and neither would most of my team.

"Before Nutronix, I was never home! When I was expecting my daughter Grace, I knew I did not want my child raised in daycare. I am happy to say that Grace has never even had a baby sitter. Her first time away from me was when she started pre-school this year! to see a confident, happy child say 'You're the best mommy ever' several times a day is priceless. My husband and I can be at every event for Grace or my stepdaughter Leah, and I know that is something they will always cherish and remember."

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