Many parents dream of working from home so that they do not need to send their children to daycare. When a mother is able to work from home, she can spend more time with her children. When a child becomes sick or feeling slightly under the weather you are right there for them, to help them mend and feeling better.
You do not need to venture out in bad weather to pick them up from your local daycare center, relatives or from your babysitter. When a child is eager to learn new things and develop new skills you are there for them, sharing in their excitement of discovering new things. The benefits of becoming a work at home mom are endless.
It takes careful planning, organization and motivation to successfully work from home with children. There are many challenges when working from home while taking care of young children. If your children are not school age, they will be home with you all day while you work. Children often do not understand when mommy is working.
They want attention and frequently are not willing to play quietly while you work. You will have distractions all day when working at home with young children. As a work at home mom, you need to evaluate your children's daily schedule. This can help you pinpoint the best time of day for you to work. If you are not able to complete your work at times of the day and week when your spouse is home, you will need to plan a general schedule for work. Of course, with children at home you cannot adhere to this schedule completely.
You do need a generic schedule to help you stay on track. You might find that you are up in the morning before your children. This might be the best time to begin your work. If your children nap at similar times each day, you can plan to do more work at those times. There might be times of the day when your children are quiet and content to play with some of their toys in your office area while you work. Time management is key when you are a mom who works from home. You will need to use your time wisely. Make a list of everything you need to accomplish for work each day.
Decide the order in which you will complete your work.
Planning your time will help you to be successful even if you must work in one or two hour increments throughout the course of the day. In some cases, you might be able to work in the evenings.
You can plan some of your work for the end of the day after your children go to bed. Depending on your spouses work schedule, they might be able to watch the children while you work for a few hours in the evening and on the weekends. This will help you to have times when you can work uninterrupted.
Have a well-organized office.
You will need to find everything you need quickly. If you work from home you should have a designated office space. Your youngest children will need to be in the room with you while you work. Have an area of the room where they can play with their toys. Make certain that they learn that they cannot touch your desk, computer or paperwork. Working from home has many benefits. More mothers are working from home than ever before. You can be successful as a work at home mom by carefully planning and staying organized.
Craig Jones is an Internet Marketing Consultant and Marketing Warrior who specializes in providing essential, hands-on advice for anyone who's serious about winning the game of online marketing and cash flow leveraging.